Google Hangout

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 3:29pm

Hi everyone,

We are very excited to be introducing Google Hangout.

This will start on Monday and Tuesday for a catch up and our Mostermind quiz. Each teacher will do 4 google hangouts, one with each team point group. 

****Please note the link to be clicked for Google Hangout will only appear on the Hangout day, this is for safety reasons****

All you need to bring is some paper and a pen for the Mosstermind quiz.

The hangout times-

Year 3 Monday morning

9:30- Parks

10:15- Mandela

11:00- Hawking

11:45- Pankhurst


Year 4 Monday Afternoon

12:30- Parks

1:15- Mandela

2:00- Hawking

2:45- Pankhurst


Year 5 Tuesday morning

9:30- Parks

10:15- Mandela

11:00- Hawking

11:45- Pankhurst


Year 6 Tuesday Afternoon

12:30- Parks

1:15- Mandela

2:00- Hawking

2:45- Pankhurst

If you are unsure about which team point group you are in then you will find pictures on the google classroom to remind you.

There is a 'How to Guide' attached here for you to look at if you are unsure how to access Google Hangout.


Files to Download