Monday 11th May Year 4

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 6:03pm

Good morning year 4, here are this week’s tasks:


1. AT LEAST one page from your English and Maths CGP books

2. Complete the 2 Mymaths activities.

3. Help with the 4M vs 4T Rockstar battle.

4. Spanish task, here is a little message from Ms Butler:


Is Spain all about beaches, flamenco dancers and oranges? No!

Click the links to watch these videos about modern Spain. Don’t worry – you are not expected to understand every word!

Then try the Kahoot quiz below. I have snuck in some colour and number revision…


5. Google Classroom activity: we want you to create a holiday guide. This could be about a place you have been or would like to go. Can be in the UK or aboard. Be as creative as you can with how your present this task you might do: a leaflet, a PowerPoint, a video guide, a weather report, a detailed postcard or even a letter. Include pictures for extra points, even pictures of your holiday there if you have been.


Have a good week,


Mr Tarry & Miss McEvoy