Monday 18th May Year 4

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 4:55pm

Good Morning Year 4, this week we would like you to complete these tasks:

1. At least 1 page from your CGP books a day


2. Two Mymaths activities (co-ordinates and telling the time)


3. Play some maths games on mathsframe, let us know which ones you have tried.


4. Science kahoot to recap our sound knowledge, only do the quiz once so use bbc bitesize to recap the sound topic before starting.


5. Research what childhood was like in another time period. For example, the Romans, Victorians, Egyptians or even speak to an adult in your family.

Think about what games they played, what school was like, what would their house have been like.

Present this in any way your like; video, writing, PowerPoint, interview


We hope you have a good week.


Mr Tarry & Miss McEvoy