Monday 27th April Year 4

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 9:10am

Good morning Year 4.

We hope you had a fantastic week with the lovely weather. It has been really nice speaking to a lot of you over the google classroom. This week we would like EVERYONE to log on, if they can, it is a nice way focus all to keep in touch and see what each other are doing. 

This week the tasks we would like you to complete are:

  • Complete AT LEAST 1 page in your English and Maths CGP books
  • Complete 2 MyMaths activities which are: dividing by 10 and 100, interpreting pictorgrams and bar charts
  • Practise a time table of your choice using either TTrockstar or Once you have practised the timetable of your choice go onto timetable me and try and do a test. Remember it is 25 questions (times and divide) in a minute and a half. Let us know how you do :)
  • Research our new Geography topic which is called all about volcanoes. We would like you to research 1 or more than 1 volcano and create a fact file. It would be interesting to look at volcanoes from around the world. You can present your fact file in any way you like; PowerPoint, document, poster. Then submit this on the google classeoom to the Volcano Research Assignment post. We will then mark your work and give you feedback. We would like this to be submitted by Friday 1st May.
  • Like with every other week, if you do any other fun activities or work that you would like to show us then tell us on the google classroom on the Home Learning Week 3 assignment. You can post pictures, videos or work to show us. 

**Remember to keep active by doing Joe Wicks or other fun games/sports in the garden.

**Also go onto bbc bitesize daily lessons if you would like to do extra work. There are lot's of interesting things on there each day. If we see something we would like you to have a try at we will post it to the google classroom. Otherewise just have a look and see what you would like to do.

We hope you have a fantastic week, and we look forward to speaking to you on the google classroom.

Miss McEvoy and Mr Tarry