Year 3: Blog items

Charity day, by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 2:49pm

We have been raising money for Young Minds and Manchester Children’s Hospital. We dressed in our team point colours and took part in lots of fun activities throughout the day. We discussed what mental health means and made some positivity jars to help us reflect on what makes us happy 

Science - Plants, by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 2:43pm

In Science we have been learning all about Plants, their parts and their functions. To help us understand how plants grow.. we decided to grow some of our own!!

Countries and Continents, by Miss Jones

Date: 8th Sep 2020 @ 4:23pm

To start off our Geography topic we recapped all of the different continents and oceans. We made our very own globes out of paper mache. We also used plasticine to make the continents and position them correctly on a world map. 

Monday 20th July - Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 19th Jul 2020 @ 4:32pm

Good morning,

Out final week of activities in Year 3;
- TTRocks
- MyMaths
- Spanish
- Online lesson

Have a wonderful (and safe) summer holidays everybody!

Mrs Edwards & Miss Higson


(Again, I can't get the video to upload sorry - please see our Facebook page or Google Classroom to watch it.)

Monday 13th July - Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 12th Jul 2020 @ 8:14pm

Morning everyone,

This week's tasks;

I look forward to seeing 3E on Friday :)

Have a good week!

Mrs Edwards


Monday 6th July - Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 4:11pm


Weekly tasks;

- TTRocks battle - girls v boys

- MyMaths 

- 1/2 pages in your books

- 'Don't step on a bee day' Design something that informs people on how to protect bees (poster, leaflet , powerpoint, video)

- Online lessons  - pen and paper needed please

I will also be ringing 3E parents all this week from a withheld number.

Have a lovely week :)

Mrs Edwards


**Sorry, I can't get the video to upload. Please see Google Classroom or our Facebook page to watch it.**

Update for upcoming weeks - Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 2:22pm

Hi Year 3,

The upcoming weeks are slightly different to previous weeks so I have created a little diary for you to keep track of the different activities that you are doing.

Monday 29th June - You had online lessons with Mrs Edwards and she has set you a writing activity on Google Classroom to complete by Friday.

Tuesday 30th June - New CGP books available to collect Tuesday afternoon. If you missed this slot, please speak to a member of the office to arrange collection of them.

Thursday 2nd July - Half of 3E will be going into school 9:30am-11:30am and the other half will be in 1pm-3pm. (You should have received conformation of this). This session will be run by Miss Higson in school and Mrs Edwards via the computer. Please arrive in your own clothes.

Friday 3rd July - Half of 3H will be going into school 9:30am-11:30am and the other half will be in 1pm-3pm. (You should have received conformation of this). This session will be run by Miss Higson in school. Please arrive in your own clothes.

Monday 6th July - Online lesson. You will receive a text to confirm your session nearer the time. Work on Google Classroom to follow.

Friday 10th July - 3H are invited into school to meet their new teacher, Mr Tarry, to get ready for September. Again, this will be split into morning and afternoon sessions.

Monday 13th July - Online lesson. You will receive a text to confirm your session nearer the time. Work on Google Classroom to follow.

Friday 17th July - 3E are invited into school to meet their new teacher, Miss Rice, to get ready for September. Again, this will be split into morning and afternoon sessions.

Monday 20th July - Online lesson. You will receive a text to confirm your session nearer the time. Work on Google Classroom to follow.

A TA will be in touch with you to arrange a 'parents evening' at the Sevenways Methodist Community Hall. This is to have a chat with your child's teacher, catch up and talk about progress and next steps for your child. You will also be able to take home your child's books and their annual report. Your child may attend with you if you wish.

*Please note that Mrs Edwards will not be at the Sevenways Methodist Community Hall. She will be calling all parents throughout the week of 6/7/20-10/7/20*

Finally, please note that this is not the final edit of these dates. Sessions may still be added in the run up to the end of the year. We will inform you of any changes.

Kind regards,

Mrs Edwards and Miss Higson

Monday 29th June - Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 10:38am


You have a lot to keep you busy this week.

I hope you are all well and I am looking forward to seeing you for our lesson today.

Mrs Edwards

3H Lessons Monday 19th June, by Miss Higson

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 3:58pm

Hi everyone, 

I will be delivering the lesson online on Monday 22nd June. It will be the same time as your lesson last week for the 4 main groups. If you are in school aready Mr Ward will be here to help you join in the lesson. If you have a brother or sister who is having a lesson at the same time but only one laptop, then let me know and I will tell you a different time to log in at... Just leave a message on Google Classroom for any questions.

Group 1 = 1:00pm

Group 2 = 1:30pm

Group 3 = 2:15pm

Group 4 = 2:45pm

I'm looking forward to seeing you on screen!

Miss Higson

National School Sports Week, by Mr Tarry

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 2:58pm

Next week is National Sports Week lead by Sky Sports and The Youth Sports Trust. Starting Saturday, you need to pick one of the daily exercise challenges from the booklet we will post on the Google Classrooms and post on the school year group pages. You can challenge your family as well! There is a daily record sheet for you to log your achievements and we would also love to see photos and videos of you and your families completing the challenges at home. At the end of the week, we'll collate all the photos and videos to make one big MPJS video.

Mr Tarry 


Monday 15th March Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 8:13pm

Good morning,

I'm looking forward to seeing you all today for our live lesson!

Activities this week;
- Continue with booklets (if you have any pages left)
- TTRocks battle
- MyMaths
- Spanish activity

Have a nice week 

Online Learning How to Guide, by Miss McEvoy

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 7:04pm

Here is a how to guide on accessing home learning, which will be starting on Monday.

The video shows you how to gain access to google classroom and google meet (hangouts). We give instructions for using a laptop or a phone/tablet.

If you follow this guide and still need some further support, Mr Tarry and Mr Ward are running a support session at the school office tomorrow (Friday 12th June) all day. Please bring along your devices or laptop and they can help you log on to make sure your child is ready for their lesson on Monday or Tuesday.
**Please note school wifi will not be available to use. If needing help with a laptop please bring a phone which can be used as wifi**

Just a reminder that these lessons are live and need to be accessed at the time your teacher had texted you. They cannot be seen later in the day.
Also we will only make the link/code visable just before the time. Each teacher will post an announcement with the link and code for the children to see. The week after it will be a different link/code so please always check back on the classroom before each online lesson.

We hope the video is useful 

Monday 8th June Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 4:36pm

Good morning everybody,

We hope you have enjoyed your 2 weeks half term :)

Here are this week's activities;

1. 1-2 pages a day in your English and Maths booklets (if you have any pages left)

2. TTRocks battle against Year 4

3. Mosstermind (Monday morning only. Times are in the previous blog)

4. Kahoot reading quiz

**Apologies to Ms Butler - I forgot to mention that there is also a Spanish activity for you to complete this week that has been created by Ms Butler.**

We hope you enjoy,

Mrs Edwards and Miss Higson

3E Google Hangout, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 4:05pm

Hi everybody,

Hangouts will be Monday morning.
9:30- Parks (red)
10:15- Mandela (yellow)
11:00- Hawking (blue)
11:45- Pankhurst (green)

I have attached the team points for 3E.

I am excited to see you all :)
Mrs Edwards

Google Hangout, by Miss McEvoy

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 3:29pm

Hi everyone,

We are very excited to be introducing Google Hangout.

This will start on Monday and Tuesday for a catch up and our Mostermind quiz. Each teacher will do 4 google hangouts, one with each team point group. 

****Please note the link to be clicked for Google Hangout will only appear on the Hangout day, this is for safety reasons****

All you need to bring is some paper and a pen for the Mosstermind quiz.

The hangout times-

Year 3 Monday morning

9:30- Parks

10:15- Mandela

11:00- Hawking

11:45- Pankhurst


Year 4 Monday Afternoon

12:30- Parks

1:15- Mandela

2:00- Hawking

2:45- Pankhurst


Year 5 Tuesday morning

9:30- Parks

10:15- Mandela

11:00- Hawking

11:45- Pankhurst


Year 6 Tuesday Afternoon

12:30- Parks

1:15- Mandela

2:00- Hawking

2:45- Pankhurst

If you are unsure about which team point group you are in then you will find pictures on the google classroom to remind you.

There is a 'How to Guide' attached here for you to look at if you are unsure how to access Google Hangout.


Friday 22nd May Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 9:38am

Good morning,

To recap;
- Have a rest
- Re-energise yourselves
- Revise the Stone Age
- Revise 'where in the world are we?'
- Have fun

We hope you have a lovely half term and we will send you a new video during the week beginning 8th June.

Geography Quiz -

Stone Age Quiz -

Monday 20th May Year 3, by Miss Higson

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 9:11am

Good morning everyone!

Here's the video with this week's tasks on.

1. Maths and English books as usual. Try to keep up with the marking too please.

2. Pobble 365 activity. There will be a picture every day and some questions to answer. There is also a story starter, so use that to start you off writing your own story. It's not London today, it's New York!

3. Times Table Rockstars battle - 8 times table. Sit with the answers in front of you to start with if you need to, then try to remember them off by heart.

4. Have a go at making some origami designs. I've put 2 links up but you can search for ones you want to do.

Chick update also posted. Thank you to Nathan for looking after them for us. They are 2.5 weeks old now.

Keep in touch with Mrs Edwards and I and let us know how you're getting on!

Speak do you all soon,

Miss Higson and Mrs Edwards

Monday 11th May Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 11:17am

Good morning Year 3,

Here are this week's tasks;

1. One or two pages of your Maths and English workbook every day. Don't forget to mark these to see how you're getting on.

2. Research into the skeleton and muscles. Use this link to help  -

Then complete Kahoot quiz - 

3. Have a look at some of the Egyptian artwork that I have added below. Have a go at creating your own artwork that has been inspired from Egypt. Upload your pictures to Google Classroom if you can so your friends can see.

Remember to continue with Joe Wicks and all the other lovely activities you're doing outside!

Mrs Edwards and Miss Higson

**I forgot to mention that I have also set MyMaths for this week**

Monday 4th May Year 3, by Miss Higson

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:47am

Hi Year 3,

Here are this week's tasks.

1. One or two pages of your Maths and English workbook every day. Don't forget to mark these to see how you're getting on.

2. Research into hieroglyphics. Write a message using the correct symbols. Upload your message to Google Classroom (in English if necessary but a picture of your message/ poster would be brilliant if possible).

3. Try to make a flip book. This can be with any pictures you like. You don't have to draw an alien! But I thought Muhammad explained how to do it very well.

Here are some links to see how to make the pieces of paper go together and then do the drawings.

Remember to continue with Joe Wicks and all the other lovely activities you're doing outside! I hope the weather is nice for us...


Miss Higson and Mrs Edwards

Monday 27th April Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 1:19pm

Hello everyone!

This week is action packed with activities. Do not worry if you do not get through them all, they are just some ideas to help you keep busy while at home.


Topic - Spanish


  • Have a look at the book ' You Choose' by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart. Here is a youtube link - 
  • I have taken inspiration from a particular page in this book and have added a picture of it below. 
  • Can you draw a picture of all the places that you and your family would like to visit? Create your family’s adventure world.
  • Can you find pictures or photos of the places you like to visit? Share them with us… talk about the things you do there, the memories you have of that place. 

We hope you have fun and enjoy.

Mrs Edwards, Miss Higson and Ms Butler

Monday 20th April Year 3, by Miss Higson

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 11:03am

Good morning Year 3! Miss Higson here with this week's tasks.

1. One or two pages of both your new Maths and English books each day, when you have collected them from school (Tuesday 21st April 9:30am-12:30pm for Year 3).

2. Science Kahoot quiz on Google Classroom.

3. Times Table Rockstars battle between 3H and 3E.

Paper aeroplane game optional!

Feel free to leave us a comment on here or the school website if any questions or to post pictures, pupils too.

Thank you and have a lovely week!

Miss Higson and Mrs Edwards



Kahoot Results, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 3:08pm

Well done everyone who has taken part in our Kahoot quiz. Here are the reults;

1st - Elliott

2nd - Autumn

3rd - Francis 


Friday 27th March Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 8:49am

Good morning smiley

How has your first week at home been? I hope you have all done well with Joe Wick every day.

Today's activity has a big number 5 in the corner.

Creative challenge

As most of us have been staying at home all day, it's nice to see some nature and wildlife. So I've found some zoos that are live streaming their animals! Have a browse of their websites and see what animals you can find. Maybe you could do some research on your favourite animals and write about them in your book.

Chester Zoo is also running a virtual trip to the zoo today. Below is the list of running times.



After tomorrow, our Easter holidays start and there are 2 weeks when you don't have to do the sheets from your learning pack or anything on Google Classroom. Instead, myself and Miss Higson would like you to have a go at some of your Pobble sheet activities that can be done as a family.

Mrs Nunwick has also found this super list of activities to keep you and your family busy (while staying safe indoors).

Have fun everybody!

Happy Friday,

Mrs Edwards and Miss Higson

Thursday 26th March Year 3, by Miss Higson

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 8:44am

Good morning everyone!

Miss Higson here. I hope that you are all OK and have been busy around your house. I'm just getting ready to start the Joe Wicks PE lesson but thought I'd write on here first.

Today's activities are the ones with a big number 4 in the corner of your pack. See if you can do all those and let me know how you get on.

Extra chellenges for today

I found this cool video on Youtube for drawing a 3D ladder. It doesn't look too tricky - see if you can try it!

Feeling creative? Why don't you take a look at the Wildlife Watch website - there are lots of fun activities to do in the garden/yard. While the sun is shining, why don't you try and attempt some of them? 

Here is the website:

If you manage to complete one of the activities, we have set up a Google Classroom document for you to add a picture to so we can see. Do not worry if you are not able to do this. Instead, you could write today's date in your book and draw and label a picture of your creation.

Speak to you soon!

Miss Higson and Mrs Edwards

Wednesday 25th March Year 3, by Mrs Edwards

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:39am

Morning everyone smiley

How are you all today?

I have been experimenting with different recipes last week and have enjoyed what I have made so far. My favourite has been a lentil spaghetti bolognese - mmm. (This isn't the one I made, it's from the recipe I followed.)


Your task today is to help an adult make a meal. It could be for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a snack. Once you have done this, write a set of instructions about how you made it, like a recipe book. Please put today's date in your blue book and write your recipe in there. Don't forget to add in an image of your creation.


Extra challenge: 

In your blue books, write down as many words as you can find in this boggle.

One point for every letter you use.

eg. 9 letter word = 9 points, 4 letter word = 4 points


What books have you all been reading? Comment below and recommend some to your friends.


Good luck,

Mrs Edwards and Miss Higson